Tuesday, April 30, 2019


I've been excited about getting to do this theme! Boys and bugs! Most of my girls are afraid of bugs so I'm hoping to calm some fears this week too! I've been holding on to an Amazon gift card I got for Christmas from C's family to buy a few cool things for this week! We will be raising ladybugs and watching caterpillars turn into butterflies! My son raises mealworms for his reptiles, frogs, and our sugar gliders and they are pretty cool bugs! I will be able to show the kiddos them in every stage of their life cycle. Mealworms turn into beetles! Monday we explored platic insects and even added some fingerpaint to paint with them.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Earth Day

We read my favorite Earth Day book Earth Day, Birthday! We made a list of things we have learned this week that we can do to help our Earth. We wrote in our journals and then the younger kiddos played with play dough while I took the older kiddos outside to pick up trash around our school! They did an awesome job and Mr. Don stopped by just in time to help supervise :)

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Earth Day

Today, our VIP'S mommy was able to join us this morning! She read his favorite book, played, had lunch with us, and brought popsicles for snack! Thank you so much for coming! For art we reused egg cartons... I cut them apart, added some paint and glue, and they created some beautiful art!